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Name Tag Supply - Personalized Name Tags

Personalized Name Tags

There was a time when all a business could get was a name tag that had their name printed in black ink on a piece of plastic. A lot has changed since then,Today you can get almost anything you can imagine put on your name tag. We use a state of the art dye sublimination process to create your name badges. We use software that will allow us to create any image on a name badge.
When it comes to getting personalized, Name Tag Supply is the place to do it, with edge to edge printing, custom sizes, and your choice of fasteners. Name Badges Inc wants you to get exactly what you want, not what we want to sell you. If you have a graphic that you want, send it to us, we will put it on your name badges for you.

To help protect your investment, we even place a clear overlay over the printed name badge. This will help keep your name badge looking as pristine as the day you received them.

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